This product includes HTML (hypertext markup language) files for the navigation pages and PDF (portable document format) files for the examination papers and markschemes. For the language B and ab initio listening papers only, MP3 files are provided for the audio texts.
If you have an up-to-date version of a browser to read HTML pages (for example Microsoft Edge®, Firefox®, Safari® or Google Chrome™), AdobeĀ® ReaderĀ® or other software to read PDF files, and MP3 player software to listen to the audio files, you are ready to access the contents of the product.
You can also open the PDF files directly by using Windows Explorer (Windows®), Finder (macOS®) or other file browser (Linux®) to navigate the product.
Once you have the required software installed, you can now open the file "index.html" in your browser to start navigating the product.
If you are looking at a subject page, you can return to the index using the tab navigation.
Usage tip: When you follow a link to an examination paper or markscheme, the PDF file may open in the browser window or a new window, depending on the settings of your computer. You can use the browser back button to return to the navigation pages. To ensure PDF files open in a new window, right-click on the link (right-handed mouse users) and select "Open in New Window" (Microsoft Edge), "Open Link in New Window" (Safari, Chrome, Firefox).
The product can be made available on an intranet web server by moving the contents into the server file space, and providing users with a link to the "index.html" file. The product is self-contained.